6 Tips for Giving Constructive Criticism

Smarter and Harder

Constructive feedback is incredibly valuable for healthy relationships and personal growth, but given in the wrong way, it can cause trouble.

Use the following tips to ensure your conversations stay healthy and productive, rather than causing conflict and other adverse effects.


Be Specific

Overly broadening the topic of your feedback can make the other person defensive and give them little direction to improve.

Point to real examples of the point you're making to help the other person see your perspective and learn from it.


Use Examples


Focus on Growth

Instead of blame or complaints, the focus of effective feedback should be on what comes next.

Steer clear of points about a person's personality or talent, and focus on things they have control over.


Avoid What Can't Change


Be Respectful and Kind

Constructive feedback should come from a place of support. Try to work with them, rather than against them.

Make it abundantly clear to the other person what action they can take to address your feedback. Vagueness is unhelpful.


Make it Actionable

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