10 Legit Jobs That Pay Cash

1. Small Business Bookkeeping

Small businesses are usually much more able to flex to the way you want to be paid, especially when you manage the payroll!

2. Coaching and Tutoring

Offering instruction in a sport, trade, or academic subject tends to be in a one on one setting, making it easy to negotiate cash rates.

3. Food Service

Serving, bartending, or delivering food may not pay entirely in cash, but are reliable streams of cash-heavy tips.

4. Babysitting or Nannying

Most parents are more than willing to pay their children's caregivers in cash if you discuss this matter upfront.

5. Local Tour Guide

Offering private service as a tour guide to travelers is an easy way to ask payment cash, and a great potential source of cash tips.

6. Selling and Reselling

While not a typical "job" for most people, selling items locally or online is a great way to turn stored value into cash, especially if you buy and flip items for profit.

7. House Cleaning

House cleaning as a private service gives you a direct line to the homeowners and the freedom to negotiate your method of payment.

8. Become a Notary

Many notaries make a surprisingly lucrative career, and as private businesses are free to accept only cash payment.

9. Sell Goods at a Local Market

Farmer's markets, flea markets, and swap meets are all potential venues to sell handcrafts, produce, antiques, and more.

10. Professional Photography

If you have a knack or passion for photography, it's a great business for large cash paydays from your clients.

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