Beyond art, this same idea applies to almost every area of life. The open, negative space can have just as much of an impact as the filled, positive space.
The result is more of everything: more stress, more commitments, more clutter filling every crevice of your life. Without negative space, there is no room to breathe, relax, and enjoy where you are.
For instance, after decluttering a room, the normal result is to slowly begin filling it up again.
But what if you didn't? Free space, for its own sake, can be a tremendous source of joy.
You don't need to give 110% of yourself to everything to live a happy life.
Free time in your day, space in your home, and money in your accounts can give you freedom, levity, and emotional peace.
Think of your life the same way. The big, eye-catching bricks are strong and beautiful, but not without a bit of mortar in between to hold it all together.