Return to Office: 5 Tips for a Smooth Transition

Smarter and Harder

For over two years, an unprecedented number of people have enjoyed remote-work flexibility.

Many employers have now permanently changed policies, allowing workers greater freedom. Unfortunately, others have not.

For workers who have enjoyed this long period of comfortable, at-home working conditions, facing a return-to-office transition can be quite stressful.

If you are planning such a transition, or have recently experienced one, consider some of the following tips to make the most of this new chapter!

One big advantage of in-office life is more social contact. Lean into this with things like team lunches and happy hours!

#1 - Make Office  Social Plans

The annual return to school is a stressful time for most kids. One thing that makes it easier? A trip to stock up on fresh supplies, outfits, and other fun stuff!

#2 - Back-to-Office Shopping Day

Another advantage of in-office work is natural boundaries between work and personal life. Embrace the transition moments to improve your mental health and protect your time.

#3 - Create Intentional Transitions

The daily commute can be a source of dread, or a peaceful ritual. Make this time special with your favorite music, podcast, or, if possible, books/videos/apps on your phone!

#4 - Make Your Commute Special

Morale is a peculiar thing. Often, if you intentionally lean into the small joys and silliness of daily office life, the people around you will follow suit.

#5 - Bring Your Own Joy Into It

The thought of moving back to your old desk after years at home isn't necessarily a fun one.  But with a positive attitude, you can make the move easier on yourself and hopefully find some peace in it.

Swipe up for more ideas and strategies to help you sail through challenges in your work and career!